A portal to the history, geology, geography, stories and more about
the Driftless region of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois.
It is very much under development

Farm in the Driftless Area - panoramio.jpgFarm in the Driftless Area - panoramio.jpg
The Driftless is defined by its unique geological history
Human settlement

Upcoming subjects

  • When did humans first settle the Driftless?

  • What did the land look like then?

  • How did the Native tribes live?

  • Folkways

  • Connections and trade

  • Effigy mounds

  • Archeological sites

European settlement

Upcoming subjects

  • Lead mining

  • The first farmers

  • Railroads

  • Mills

  • The battle for county seats

  • Logging and lumber rafting

  • Steamboats

  • Bridging the Wisconsin

  • Changes to the river

  • Recreating the landscape

  • The Driftless in the Civil War

A refuge and America's Dairyland

Upcoming subjects

  • Black communities

  • Religious communities

  • Noted individuals and eccentrics

  • The failure of wheat and the rise of dairy

  • The rise of agribusiness and selective outmigration

About The Driftless

The Driftless is a platform dedicated to celebrating the wonders of the Driftless region. It collects, compiles and links to books, articles and experts on all the things that make the Driftless so unique. If you have a story to tell or an interesting fact we can include, contact us.